Why You're Not Getting Results

Identifying and Knocking The Big Domino

If you’re grinding nonstop but aren’t seeing the results you want, the answer to your problems isn’t more grinding.

Working harder only helps when you have identified the right things to work on. Going all in on the wrong thing makes matters worse.

If you’re a solopreneur or content creator, your biggest challenge is not only managing your time but also your focus and energy.

This has nothing to do with time-blocking or other productivity hacks. And it has nothing to do with tools or automation either.

It’s about identifying the big domino.

The one thing that if you achieve, everything else becomes easier.

The big domino is often the thing that you’re avoiding most. 

It’s outside of your comfort zone, and you feel the resistance just by thinking about it. That’s a good sign it’s what you should focus on.

For most solopreneurs that I know, the big domino is client acquisition.

They have their content game in order; they’re building their personal brand, but they’re struggling to sign new clients.

Yet they’re still spending most of their time and energy on improving their content, growing their audience, and networking with other creators.

While all this stuff is important, it doesn’t solve their most immediate problem which is lack of clients and lack of cashflow.

You must think long-term without ignoring short-term realities.

This is especially true for solopreneurs with a marketing background. They enjoy doing the marketing work. Selling? Not so much.

I know this because I struggled with it too.

Then, I realised that if I was ever going to make it as an entrepreneur, the number one skill I need to develop is SALES.

Most marketers think they understand sales (at least I thought I did). But it’s not the understanding that gets you the results, it’s persistence.

You have to show up every day and eat rejections for breakfast without complaining about it. It’s a rite of passage.

You have to spend 80% of your time on sales related activities. And find a way to do everything else during the other 20% of your time.

This includes sending connection requests to your ideal clients, engaging with their content, starting conversations in the DMs, and pitching your offer.

Spend the time required to understand their needs, wants, challenges, and fears. Find ways to help them even when they’re not ready to buy.

You’re not going to knock that big domino just by thinking about it. You have to take MASSIVE action over a long period of time.

To expect otherwise is sheer madness. There are no shortcuts. The more you look for them, the more time you waste, and the more frustrated you become.

The more you rush the process, the more you delay the outcome.

You’re rushed because you’re anxious. You’re anxious because you’re not addressing the real problem.

You’re sweeping the core issue under the rug and hoping that it will magically sort itself out. Except that never happens.

Or maybe you’ll stumble upon the answer in that new book you’re reading or that course you just bought. Not how it works either.

The only way forward is through. Accept that and move on.

This applies for all kinds of big dominos, not just client acquisition. To overcome any challenges, you need intense focus and massive action.

I used client acquisition as an example, but your big domino could be lack of clarity, or lack of focus.

It could be shiny object syndrome, imposter syndrome, a poor offer, lack of knowledge, or a lingering self-limiting belief.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, it could be the paradox of choice that’s holding them back.

There are so many things you could pursue. So it’s hard to tell what to choose, where to start, or whose advice to take.

Regardless of what your big domino is, you’ll never knock it over unless you identify it first.

So much about success in life relies on your ability to be completely and utterly honest with yourself. It’s the first step towards positive change.

Embrace intense realism and you’ll find your way.

If you enjoyed this, hit reply and let me know.

Until next time, keep creating!


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