The Perfect Content Mix for Personal Brands

4 Content Types for Maximum Impact

There are 4 types of content that you need to build a strong personal brand.

If you integrate them into your content strategy, you’ll grow faster, and generate new business along the way.

Otherwise, you’re just wasting time.

In today’s letter, I’m going to show you the perfect content mix to turn strangers into followers, and followers into raving fans.

4 Key Types of Content for Personal Brands

As a personal brand, you want people to know, like, and trust you. This powerful combination helps you build influence and generate more sales.

The following content types will help you do exactly that.

1. Growth Content

Growth content attracts new followers and expands your reach.

Examples of Growth content:

  • Current events/trends

  • Popular success stories

  • Lessons from successful people

Since organic content is not as targeted as paid ads, reaching more people is necessary to get in front of your target audience.

Growth content appeals to a broad audience, so you need to think beyond your niche without straying too far from it.

For example, if you are a marketer and your target audience is Founders and CEOs of B2B companies, your choice of broad content could be topics like productivity, personal development, and entrepreneurship.

However, if you start talking about travel, nutrition, or yoga, you risk diluting your brand. This is a very common mistake on social media.

2. Authority Content

Authority content positions you as a thought leader in your niche.

The goal is to demonstrate your expertise and build credibility and trust.

Examples of Authority content:

  • How-to guides

  • Case studies

  • Frameworks

Use a combination of these to help your audience solve a specific problem by providing them with tips, strategies, and actionable frameworks.

Authority content is crucial because it attracts the most relevant and targeted audience—people looking for specific information or solutions.

When done right, it builds trust with your existing audience and generates new business inquiries related to your offer.

3. Personal Content

Personal content creates a deeper connection with your audience.

People follow other people on social media to learn and connect, not just to learn or hoard information. If the goal is learning, there are plenty of resources on the internet that are more reliable than social media.

Sharing personal content makes you more relatable.

Examples of Personal content:

  • Personal stories

  • Personal interests

  • Personal philosophy

When done right, personal content can turn followers into loyal fans. Without it, building a strong bond with your audience is challenging.

Personal content brings your audience into your world and shows them your personality beyond your professional life.

4. Sales Content

Sales content promotes your offer and generates leads.

Examples of Sales content:

  • Offer promotions

  • Client testimonials

  • Client success stories

Sales content must have a clear and compelling Call-To-Action (CTA).

Make your audience a compelling offer and provide clear instructions on what you want them to do next.

Sales content is also important to make it known to more people what you sell and who you sell it to. This makes it easier for your network to send you referrals and recommend you as the go-to person in your niche.

As a general rule, avoid overloading your content with sales pitches. Sales content should make up the smallest portion of your overall content mix.

The ratio of these content types differs depending on what you sell, who you sell to, and what you are trying to optimise for.

For example, if you have only 1,000 followers on LinkedIn, you should optimise for audience growth to build your network and reach more people. This means you should focus heavily on top-of-the-funnel content.

If you have 5,000 followers and your goal is to keep growing your audience and generating leads along the way, focus on the top and middle-of-the-funnel.

If you have 10,000 followers and your goal is to increase sales, you should focus on the middle and bottom-of-the-funnel content.

Regardless of what your goals are, you will need a mix of these content types to cover all stages of the marketing funnel.

As always, experiment and find what works best.

If you enjoyed this, share it with a friend.

Until next time, keep creating!


Quick Picks

  1. If you’re never satisfied no matter how much you accomplish, and find yourself constantly falling into negative thinking patterns, listen to this audiobook.

  2. If personal development for entrepreneurs was to be summarised in one piece of content, it’s this YouTube video.

  3. If you’re a content creator, storytelling is a must-have skill. This podcast episode is a good place to start.

P.S. Got questions, ideas, or just want to say hello? Hit reply!