The Paradox of Speed

Why Chasing Fast Results Is Slowing You Down

Do you ever feel like you’re pushing so hard but not really getting anywhere?

It’s a very common feeling among entrepreneurs, especially in the digital age where it’s never been easier to compare yourself against other people.

The internet makes it feel like everyone else is making progress at 10x your speed. So you’re left wondering “what am I doing wrong?” or “what else should I be doing?”, even worse “maybe I’m just not good enough”.

Slowly but surely, self-doubt starts creeping in. You start questioning your decisions and you become too anxious to focus on what’s in front of you.

As a result, you lean into the only thing that makes sense when you’re not making the progress you desire; you redouble your efforts hoping to regain momentum and feel slightly more worthy through some new achievement.

However, as it turns out, pushing harder isn’t always the right answer. In fact, sometimes it only makes matters worse and burns you out in the process.

A Personal Experience

In 2021, just after the Covid lockdown in Melbourne, I was eager to get back to the gym. I've been training on and off since I was 13, and anyone who's trained with me knows I don't hold back.

After a few days of easing back in, I began lifting heavier, increasing the weight in each workout to make up for lost time during the lockdown. I felt rushed and eager to return to my best shape as quickly as possible.

One day, my forearm was sore from installing panels at a casual construction job I took after losing my marketing role due to pandemic layoffs. But a sore forearm wasn’t a reason to skip my workout—even though it was arm day.

While lifting heavy during a bicep exercise, I felt a sharp pain in that same forearm. Instead of stopping, I ignored it and finished the set, then powered through several more exercises. My mindset is simple: I train hard and I never leave the gym before the workout is done.

I’m not sharing this to motivate you, but to warn you. Instead of pushing harder, I should’ve stopped immediately to avoid making things worse. This injury has lingered, and I've been dealing with it ever since.

A few months later, that same stubborn mindset led to a tricep injury, shortly followed by a knee injury. A couple of years after that, it caused a shoulder injury, and the worst of all—a back injury I still haven’t fully recovered from.

Ironically, my relentless pursuit of rapid gains led to significant setbacks. By pushing too hard, I sabotaged my own progress.

This experience taught me that sustainable growth often comes from consistency and patience, not from constantly pushing the limits.

An Important Realisation

If I’ve overlooked clear physical signals, what important mental or psychological cues might I be missing that could be holding me back?

These questions prompted me to reevaluate many decisions rooted in my "hustle mindset." This mindset, I realised, was a product of two significant life experiences:

  1. Growing up in a tough neighbourhood in a developing country, where relentless work and stoic endurance of hardship are glorified.

  2. Spending the last 7 years as an immigrant, navigating life in a foreign country on my own and striving to establish myself.

While this mindset fuelled my ambition and resilience, I now recognise it may have blinded me to important signals about my growth and well-being.

3 Key Lessons

  1. Making progress doesn’t have to feel like pushing a boulder uphill throughout the whole journey. Real success comes from finding a balance between effort and ease.

  2. Growth doesn't always require pain. Sometimes, pain is a clear signal that something needs to change. It’s important to listen to those signals instead of ignoring them and suffering the consequences.

  3. Sustainable growth often comes from consistency and patience, not from constantly pushing beyond your limits. Speed doesn't equal success. Chasing quick results will often slow you down.

As you reflect on your own experiences, consider this: What signals have you been ignoring that might guide you toward a healthier approach to growth?

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Until next time, keep creating!


If you’d like to chat about how I can help you grow your brand and attract new clients on LinkedIn, reply to this email or book a call here.

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