The Key to Writing Copy That Sells

An Exceptional Framework for Higher Conversions

There's one question that every copywriter or content creator should ask before they write a single word.

If you do this right, it will have a significant impact on your conversions.

Before you start writing, you must understand where your prospect is in their buying journey.

Why is this important?

Because people respond to your copy depending on how aware they are of:

• Who you are

• What you're selling

• Why you're selling it

So the question you need to ask yourself is:

What does your customer already know? 

To answer this, you need to understand The 5 Levels of Awareness:

Level 1: Unaware

Unaware of who you are, what you're selling, and whether they need it or not.

This prospect is the toughest to convert into a customer.

They have no reason to trust you or listen to your message.

The goal of your copy at this stage is to:

• Win their attention in a subtle way

• Move past their lack of awareness

• Educate them about their problem

• Overcome their initial resistance

It's in this market where successful copywriters shine.

Level 2: Problem Aware

Aware of the problem they have, but unaware of any specific solutions.

They know something is not working, but they're not sure there's a way to fix it.

The goal of your copy at this stage is to:

• Find the point of maximum anxiety

• Show them you feel their pain

• Create an emotional connection

Then, show them there's a solution to their problem and highlight the benefits.

Level 3: Solution Aware

Aware that a solution exists in the market, but unaware of your specific product or service.

The prospect has an outcome in mind, but they're not sure where to look next.

The goal of your copy at this stage is to:

• Convince them that you understand their needs, wants, and desires.

• Show them that you can help them reach their desired outcome.

Level 4: Product Aware

Aware of your product but not sure if it's the right choice for them.

They could know your product's name or the benefits it promises, but they still haven't made up their mind.

These are the prospects reading reviews and craving reassurance before they buy.

The goal of your copy at this stage is to:

• Win your prospect's trust and overcome their doubts and hesitations.

• Prove that your product or service is able to do what you say it does.

Level 5: Most Aware

Convinced that your product or service is the best solution for their need or desire.

They just want to know the price and terms before making a final decision to buy.

These can also be customers who already bought from you before and love your brand.

Selling at this level of awareness is easy. 

• They know you

• They trust you

• They know what you sell

• They know it's what they need

• They feel emotionally connected

The goal of your copy at this stage is to:

• Make them an offer

• Close the deal

Applying the 5 levels of awareness to Headlines

How Eugene Schwartz applies the 5 levels of awareness to write Headlines:

• If the prospect is aware of your product and realises it can satisfy his desire, your headline starts with your product.

• If he is not aware of your product, but only of the desire itself, your headline starts with the desire.

• If he is not yet aware of what he really seeks, but is concerned only with the general problem, your headline starts with that problem and crystallises it into a specific need.

The application of the 5 Levels of Awareness goes beyond headlines.

Use it so you can:

• Meet your prospects where they are

• Reach them with the right message

• Create an emotional connection

• Build trust and boost your sales

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Until next time, keep creating!


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