• Omara Khaddaj
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  • How to Launch Your Offer Without a Big Audience

How to Launch Your Offer Without a Big Audience

5 Ways to Reach More People With Your Offer

You don’t have to wait until you build a massive audience to launch your offer.

A big following can tip the scales in your favour, but it’s not your only option.

In today’s letter, I’m going to show you a few alternatives that will help you launch your offer even if you don’t have a big following.

But before we do that, let’s discuss some of the benefits of creating and launching your offer while you’re building your audience.

Launching your offer early has several benefits:

  1. It provides immediate feedback from real customers. This helps you refine your offer and generate early revenue.

  2. It validates your idea in the market and allows you to establish credibility and authority in your niche.

  3. With less pressure and a smaller audience, you can iterate faster and gain a competitive advantage.

  4. It’s time-efficient and can build quick momentum, providing you a valuable and accelerated learning experience.

Now, let’s get clear on what having an audience really means.

Audience size is undeniably important, but what matters is the level of engagement and connection you have with it.

A small, highly-targeted, and engaged audience can be much more valuable than a bigger but broader and less engaged audience.

They're invested in your brand and what you have to say, making them more likely to take action based on your recommendations.

As internet marketer Frank Kern says, the money is not in the list, it's in the relationship you have with the list.

This is exactly why a lot of people with a big following fail to sell to their audiences. Audience size isn’t the best indicator of influence.

Meanwhile, a lot of creators with an engaged audience of a few thousand followers are able to monetise their online presence.

And here’s how you can do that too…

Launching an offer without an established audience can be challenging, but it's certainly possible if you put your mind to it.

If you have a big and engaged audience, it means you have enough warm traffic for a successful launch. If you don’t, you have a traffic problem.

And without traffic, it’s hard to test and validate your offer, and your launch is most likely going to flop because you’re unable to reach enough people.

Here are some alternatives to solve this problem:

  1. Paid ads: paid ads are an accelerant. It’s like throwing fuel on a fire.

    So, if you have a proven offer, you can use paid ads to reach more people in a shorter period.

    It’s a highly-targeted approach that can solve your traffic problem overnight and put your offer to a real test.

  2. Strategic Partnerships: Partner with credible influencers who have access to your target audience.

    Offer them something of value in exchange for promoting your offer to their audience. Borrowing someone else’s audience is a powerful way to reach more people.

    It’s a warmer approach than paid ads because you’re also borrowing the credibility and authority of the influencer who’s promoting you.

    Depending on what you offer them and how you structure the deal, it could be more cost-effective than paid ads.

  3. Free Workshops or Webinars: Host free workshops or webinars to showcase your expertise, provide value upfront, and generate interest.

    Pitch your offer at the end or the beginning of the webinar (or both).

    You could also combine this with the previous option and invite an influencer to co-host a workshop or be a guest at your webinar.

    And it goes without saying, if you promote your free webinar with paid ads, you’ll have more viewers to pitch to.

  4. Referral Programs: Create a referral program where existing contacts or early clients can earn rewards for referring new clients to you.

    This works best when you have enough traffic. So you’ll still have to implement option 1 or 2 to make the best of it.

  5. Cold Outreach: Use cold email or LinkedIn outreach to contact potential clients directly.

    This is one of the most accessible options. It’s time consuming, frustrating, and effective at the same time.

    This option works best for a high-ticket offer. So, if you’re selling an ebook or a low ticket course, I’d skip this one.

The best approach? A combination of some of the above which will mostly depend on what you’re selling and who you’re selling it to.

But if that sounds too overwhelming, I’d recommend you give paid ads a shot without being distracted by any of the other alternatives.

A clear and compelling offer, a simple ad, and a well-written landing page can be all you need to overcome the cold start and start selling.

If it sounds straight forward, it’s because it is.

These options are available for almost everyone. You just have to be willing to invest the time, money, and effort required for a successful launch.

What do you think?

Hit reply and let me know your thoughts.

Until next time, keep creating!


Quick Picks

  1. Today, I started listening to Founder Brand by Dave Gerhardt. More founders should listen to it and start building their brand.

  2. In this video, David Perell shares some valuable writing lessons that he learned from spending time with 20 master writers.

  3. The unfortunate reality of the job market summarised in a LinkedIn post.

P.S. I’m offering a FREE 1:1 coaching session for creators that want to grow and monetise their personal brand. If that’s you, reply to this email and let me know. Only 3 spots available, reply now and save your spot.

P.P.S. Feel free to reply and let me know if there are any topics that you’d like me to explore in future editions.