How to Unlock New Levels of Creativity

Never Run Out of Great Ideas Ever Again

Creativity is the lifeblood of anyone who shares content online. Whether you’re a creator, solopreneur, or founder of a multi-million dollar company, your ability to consistently generate good ideas is an invaluable asset.

In today’s letter, I’m going to share with you a 3-step framework that has helped me create thousands of pieces of content for myself and my clients.

It’s the same method I followed when writing and recording music with my rock band. I’ve also used it to help hundreds of my students tap into a new realm of creative possibilities.

Step 1: Collect

This step is about intentionally gathering diverse, high-quality content and experiences that relate directly or indirectly to your project.

By curating your inputs—whether through reading, observing, or listening—you build a rich reservoir of ideas. Explore and curate the most relevant and inspiring material that can fuel your creativity and inspire new thoughts.

As a musician, I study my favorite sections in certain songs and try to understand what I like about them and how I can replicate them in my own way.

As a content creator, I save snippets of content that grabs my attention and I try to understand what makes it stand out and how I can create something similar.

The key here is selective consumption. Don’t consume everything that comes your way; pay attention only to what inspires you.

Just like there’s no point learning a song you don’t like, there’s no point analyzing a piece of content that doesn’t resonate with you (regardless of how well it has performed for others).

But also, don’t to limit yourself to your domain of expertise. If you’re a marketer, don’t just consume marketing content. Find inspiration in psychology, philosophy, history or whatever else you fancy.

Step 2: Connect

In this stage, you start drawing connections between diverse content. You collected the dots in step 1, now it’s time to connect them.

This is where you start getting more creative as you find patterns, links, and relationships between seemingly unrelated things.

It's about seeing the bigger picture and how different ideas can intersect and merge to form something new and meaningful.

The key thing at this stage is to give yourself permission to experiment freely. Follow your intuition and see where it takes you.

I often pick up my guitar and experiment by blending ideas from different genres. The results might sound average at first, but with a few tweaks and persistent improvisation, I usually discover some intriguing sounds.

The same goes for content creation. I might be reading stoic philosophy and I’ll come across an idea that inspires a post about B2B marketing.

Our brains have an extraordinary ability to find connections between different things and make sense of them.

Pro tip: If you’re stuck in a creative rut, stop consuming more content. Take a break and let your mind process what you’ve already learned. Ideas need space to breathe.

Step 3: Convert

In this stage, you translate your unique ideas into something real and tangible.

For instance, a fleeting concept might evolve into a well-researched article, or a simple guitar riff could be developed into a full song.

This process requires a delicate balance of creativity and discipline, as you refine and polish your ideas to ensure they serve a larger goal.

For example: you might have an idea about how a concept in psychology intersects with consumer behavior and influences buying decisions.

You transform this idea into a blog post by writing a first draft, fact-checking, and editing it. Even after it’s completed, you might not be fully satisfied, so you keep refining it until it’s polished and ready to share.

This is similar to how musicians record many songs but only include a few on their final album. The tracks that make it to the record usually go through several revisions before the artist is happy with the final version.

Creativity isn't a mysterious gift reserved for a select few.

By curating the right inputs, connecting them thoughtfully, and converting them into valuable outputs, you can cultivate your own creative process.

With practice, you can prime yourself to get into a flow state, nurture your creativity, and bring your ideas to life.

If you enjoyed this, share it with a friend.

Until next time, keep creating!


P.S. If you’d like to have a chat about how I can help you grow your brand and attract new clients on LinkedIn, reply to this email or book a call here.

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