How to Be Irreplaceable

Own Your Market With a Niche of One

The age-old debate of niching down versus going broad leaves many entrepreneurs feeling stuck and unsure of the best way forward.

Most people try to fit into existing niches and end up blending in with everyone else. This leaves them stuck and struggling to stand out.

And those who go broad, spread themselves too thin, trying to appeal to everyone and ending up appealing to no one.

The key to avoiding these undesirable outcomes lies in transcending the traditional debate and carving your own space in the market.

If you don’t carve your own space, you risk being overlooked, underpaid, and unable to leverage your full potential.

In today’s letter, I’m going to show you how to build a niche of one and become uniquely irreplaceable.

Let’s dive in!

How to Build a Niche of One

A niche of one is the unique position you achieve by combining your skills, interests, experiences, and perspective.

It’s about creating value that only you can provide, making you irreplaceable in your field. A niche of one is the ultimate competitive advantage.

"Don’t be the best. Be the only."

Kevin Kelly

This quote by Kevin Kelly captures the idea of creating a unique niche. Instead of competing to be the best in an existing category, create your own category where you are the only choice.

Here’s how you can do this:

1. Identify Your Unique Ability

Your unique ability is a combination of your skills, strengths, and passions. It's what you do better than anyone else and what brings you joy and fulfilment.

To identify your unique ability, reflect on the following questions:

  • What skills do you excel at?

  • What activities make you lose track of time?

  • What feedback do you receive from others about your strengths?

By answering these questions, you can pinpoint your unique abilities and begin to see how they can form the foundation of your niche of one.

2. Uncover Creative Intersections

The magic happens at the intersection of your skills and interests.

  • Identify your key skills, passions, and interests.

  • Look for areas where your skills and interests intersect.

  • Brainstorm ways to combine these elements in unique ways.

Consider how these intersections can solve specific problems or meet unmet needs in the market.

"You can raise your market value by being merely good at more than one thing. If you’re the best in the world at one thing, you’ll always find a market. But the second-best in the world is barely noticed. However, if you’re very good at two things, and those two things are rarely combined, you’ve created a competitive advantage."

Scott Adams

As Robert Greene aptly puts it, "The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways."

3. Choose A Profitable Market

Don’t start with why, start with who. Pick a market that will make you money.

Key Questions to Ask When Choosing a Market

1. Is there a painful problem that needs to be solved?

Look for markets where there is a clear and urgent problem that your product or service can solve.

2. Is the purchasing power high enough to afford the solution?

Make sure that your target market has the financial means to purchase your offering at a price point that is profitable for your business.

3. Is the ideal customer in this market easy to find and target?

Consider the accessibility of your target market. Can you reach them through marketing channels that you can leverage effectively?

4. Is this market consistently growing?

Choose a market that shows signs of growth and has the potential for long-term sustainability.

Additional Considerations for Choosing Your Ideal Buyer

1. Who do you enjoy serving most?

Consider the demographics, psychographics, and behavioural traits of your ideal customer. Choose a market segment that you genuinely enjoy serving.

2. Who is easier to sell to?

Identify market segments that are more receptive to your messaging and are more likely to convert into paying customers.

3. Who is easier to serve?

Evaluate the level of effort and resources required to serve different market segments. Choose a market that aligns with your capacity to deliver exceptional value.

By carefully considering these questions and factors, you can choose a profitable market that aligns with your interests and offers significant growth potential for your business.

4. Design Your Unique Value Proposition

Your unique value proposition (UVP) is the compelling reason why someone should choose you over anyone else.

It’s what sets you apart and highlights the unique benefits you bring to the table. To design your UVP, consider the following:

  • What problems do you solve for your audience?

  • How do you make their life easier or better?

  • What unique benefits do you offer?

Everyone is interested in what’s new. Few people are interested in what’s better. Your UVP should focus on what makes you new and different, not just better.

5. Build Your Personal Brand

Building a strong personal brand is how you become irreplaceable.

If you want to carve your own space in the market, build your personal brand around yourself, not around a specific topic or niche.

Build it not only around your core expertise, but also around your personal interests, your way of seeing the world, and your life philosophy.

Your personal brand is a combination of the ideas you’re associated with, your unique perspective, your unique skills and expertise, your values and principles, the things you stand against, even your quirks and idiosyncrasies.

Find what makes you different and lean into it. Embracing your weirdness is the fastest route to building a niche of one without sacrificing your identity.

Your content strategy should focus on who you are and what you do. Share personal stories and experiences. Post about topics that are unrelated to your market but interesting to your audience.

Building a niche of one means becoming a multi-dimensional creator. This is how you attract people with similar interests and build stronger bonds.

6. Deliver Exceptional Value

Delivering exceptional value is how you build trust and loyalty with your audience. It’s not enough to simply meet expectations, you need to exceed them. This involves:

  • Consistently delivering high-quality products or services.

  • Going above and beyond to solve your audience’s problems.

  • Continuously seeking ways to improve and innovate.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How are you uniquely positioned to serve your customers?

  • What can you bring to the experience that no one else can?

  • What is overlooked in your market that you can leverage?

By delivering exceptional value, you reinforce your unique position in the market and ensure that your audience sees you as irreplaceable.

7. Own Your Market

Finally, own a word or a concept in your audience’s mind.

For example:

James Clear → Habits

Justin Welsh → Solopreneurship

Ali Abdaal → Productivity

While it’s harder to own such broad terms, you can choose less competitive terms. You can even coin your own term like Nassim Taleb’s “Antifragile”.

Here's how you can achieve this:

  • Identify your unique concept

  • Consistently reinforce it in your content

  • Build a community around it

Want to take it a step further? Write a book about it.

In conclusion, the debate of niching down versus going broad misses the point. The real key to success is creating a niche of one.

By combining your unique skills, interests, experiences, and perspective, you can own your market and become irreplaceable.

Betting on yourself is the best bet you’ll ever make.

If you enjoyed this, hit reply and let me know.

Until next time, keep creating!


Quick Picks

  1. Have you heard of brand in a hand? Watch this video.

  2. If you’re trying to grow on LinkedIn, you’ll enjoy this podcast.

  3. This is a bit over the top, but it’s good sales advice.

P.S. I’m offering a FREE 1:1 coaching session for creators that want to grow and monetise their personal brand. If that’s you, reply to this email and let me know. Only 3 spots available, reply now and save your spot.