How to Find Your Perfect Customer

The Key to Building A Business You Love

Entrepreneurs love the thrill of building something from scratch, owning their career, making money, and helping others along the way.

But they often ignore the key element to building a business they love. And that is: choosing the right customer to serve.

So they end up with a business that feels more like a burden than a passion, which painfully defeats the purpose of being an entrepreneur.

In today’s letter I’m going to show you how to identify your perfect customer so you can build a business that you are truly passionate about.

7 Key Traits of Your Perfect Customer

I know what you’re thinking, there’s no such thing as perfect. And you’re probably right. But if you target people with the following attributes, you’re much more likely to build a successful business that you’re excited about.

1. Someone Who You Love to Serve

Let’s face it, if you don’t care about your customers and enjoy serving them, you’re setting yourself up for failure. You should enjoy spending time with them and solving their problems.

2. Someone Who You Understand Deeply

The customer you understand most is yourself. This is why your ideal customer is the one who is just a few steps behind you on their journey. They are facing the same challenges you were facing a few years ago.

3. Someone With Similar Goals and Aspirations

Your perfect customer shares the same objectives and dreams that your business exists to fulfil. They’re aiming for outcomes that your products or services can help them achieve. This makes them a great fit for your offer.

4. Someone With Shared Values and Perspectives

Alignment on values creates a strong foundation for relationships built on mutual respect and understanding. When your values and perspectives are in sync, everything flows in the right direction. This makes it easier to manage your customer relations and help them achieve their desired outcomes.

5. Someone Who Appreciates Your Expertise

Your ideal customer values your expertise and experience. They trust that you have the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional results. This will keep you motivated and excited about helping them to the best of your ability.

Nothing is worse than ungrateful clients who suck the fun out of running a business (except Joe Biden and Donald Trump arguing about who’s better at golf during what’s supposed to be a presidential debate).

6. Someone Who is Easy to Find and Target

If you want to get in front of the right buyers, you need to be able to find them first. For example, if you’re a fitness coach helping men aged 30 to 40 to lose fat and gain muscle, your perfect customers are easy to find.

However, if your business specialises in niche antique restoration services for historical furniture collectors, your ideal customer might be harder to pinpoint.

7. Someone Who Can Afford Your Services

Your perfect customer has the financial means to invest in your products and services. They see the value in what you offer and are willing to pay for it because they understand how your solutions can benefit them.

Your Biggest Advantage

The reason why your most ideal customer is someone like you (just a few steps behind on a similar journey) is because you know them intimately.

This is your biggest advantage; your competitive edge and unique value.

You have been in their shoes. You’ve experienced their pains and frustrations.

You know what it’s like to feel their fears. You understand their mental narrative and can enter the conversation in their mind.

You genuinely care about helping them. You’ve been there too and you know how bad you wanted to overcome the same challenges they’re facing now.

“Marketers should not be trying to figure out how to create the next amazing ad campaign, but instead we need to learn how to enter the conversation already taking place in the customer’s mind.”

Russell Brunson

Delivering The Dream Outcome

Imagine trying to help someone without fully understanding their struggles. It’s challenging, right? There’s so much tension and friction.

Now, think about how easy it is to help someone when you’ve been through the same journey. The whole process feels natural.

You know what works and what doesn’t. You’ve made the mistakes and learned the lessons, and your product is the solution.

This means you know exactly how to get them their dream outcome. And If you can do that, everything else becomes easier.

Your results become the fuel to your marketing engine and your happy customers become your biggest brand advocates.

Building A Tribe of Ideal Customers

Your ideal customers are a tribe of like-minded people. They’re your kind of people. And that is the key to building a business you love.

Serving your tribe creates a strong connection. You’re not just another service provider; you’re a trusted advisor.

You understand their journey because it’s your journey too. This kind of empathy and connection are invaluable.

Your marketing becomes more authentic and engaging, and your interactions more meaningful and purposeful.

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Until next time, keep creating!


Quick Picks

  1. This guy uploads raw videos from his mastermind, and I love the feeling of being in the same room as these entrepreneurs.

  2. If you’re looking to up your copywriting game, read this book.

  3. This website builder seems like a good alternative to Webflow. I might use it to rebuild my website as I’m no longer in the mood for WordPress.

P.S. If you have any questions in relation to building your online presence and growing your business, feel free to reply to this email and ask me anything.