Expert vs. Creator

Which Business Model is Right for You?

If you’re a solopreneur, there’s one thing that will always have a big impact on your results. And you need to be absolutely clear on it.

It's the vehicle you choose to reach your desired destination.

Just like not all vehicles are created equal (truck vs. sports car), not all business models are the right fit for what you’re trying to achieve.

For solopreneurs, there are two proven routes:

  1. The Expert Business Model

  2. The Creator Business Model

These two have a huge overlap. It’s not unusual to confuse one for the other. When that happens, you risk wasting a lot of time heading in the wrong direction and standing in the way of your success.

In today’s letter, I’m going to highlight some important distinctions between these two models so you can choose the right one for you.

The Key Difference

The key difference between the Expert business model and the Creator business model is what you’re selling and to whom you’re selling it.

If you’re an expert, you could sell high-value offers like consulting, coaching, courses, workshops, and speaking engagements.

You can sell to businesses (B2B) or Direct-To-Consumer (DTC). The expert business model lends itself well to B2B and you only need a few clients to make a full-time income.

If you’re a creator, you could monetise your online presence with affiliate marketing, brand partnerships, merchandise, and ad revenue.

The creator model lends itself well to DTC. But of course, you could always sell to businesses if you create right offer.

You might be thinking, I wanna do both. And that’s okay. Many creators become experts and many experts become creators.

But in the beginning, you gotta choose one.

You can’t have your ass in both camps. Not if you want to see results and enjoy the process.

Why not? Because they’re two different vehicles.

And you don’t want to be Jean-Claude Van Damme doing epic splits between two Volvo trucks. Just saying…

Sales and Marketing

The business model you choose will determine how you market and sell to your target audience.

It also determines how you position your brand.

If you’re an expert, your priority is to establish authority and trust in a specific niche.

You focus on building relationships with potential clients, industry leaders, and other experts.

You can sell your services with warm or cold outreach. You can partner with other experts and encourage referrals.

Building your expert personal brand gives you leverage to attract and convert more business.

If you’re a creator, your priority is to keep your audience engaged with creative content.

You focus on growing a community of loyal followers and a network of other creators.

You sell through your content. You partner with other creators to reach their audiences. Your main sales approach is one-to-many (selling to several people at once through your content or ads).

Your personal brand is the foundation of your business. You are the business.

Personal Considerations

Choosing a business model that you enjoy is critical.

After all, the point of solopreneurship (besides making money) is to do what you want, when you want, with who you want.

If you choose an incompatible business model, you’re unlikely to succeed. Even if you do, you won’t enjoy it. You might even regret it.

Choosing between the Expert and Creator business models depends on your strengths, interests, goals, and long-term vision.

In general, building an expert business first is a faster path to generating an income while building your creator business on the side.

Once you have an engaged audience that you can monetise as a creator, you can pivot gradually from an expert business model to a creator business model.

If you have a skill or talent you can build an audience around (like photography, music, design, gardening, or doing epic splits!), you can start with the creator model straight away.

It all comes down to what you’re optimising for. What do you want your typical workday to look like?

Do you want to spend more time creating and less time prospecting and pitching your services to businesses?

Then, a creator business is right for you.

Do you like selling high ticket services and helping businesses get results?

Then, build your expert business.

There’s no “right” way. There’s what’s right for you.
Only you can determine that.

If you enjoyed this, share it with a friend.

Until next time, keep creating!


Quick Picks

  1. If you’re a creator, you’ll enjoy this podcast episode.

  2. If you’re lacking motivation and discipline, this 17-minute rant might push you in the right direction.

  3. If you’re a copywriting geek (or just interested in the topic), you'll enjoy watching this video.

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