Do It Wrong, Do It Better!

Why Mainstream Business Advice is Keeping You Stuck

Most business advice works until everyone follows it. No wonder only 25% of business leaders think popular strategies actually apply to them (Harvard Business Review).

The internet is drowning in business advice. Everywhere you look, experts are telling you the "proven" way to build your business. The guaranteed growth strategy. The foolproof marketing system. The step-by-step roadmap to success.

Yet most entrepreneurs are more confused than ever. Following all this "proven" advice is precisely what's keeping them stuck.

You see, when everyone follows the same playbook, no one stands out. When everyone implements the same strategies, those strategies stop working. When everyone tries to fit the proven mould, carving your own path becomes your greatest advantage.

Every business that changed the game did so by rejecting the status quo and questioning assumptions about what customers truly want.

Let me show you why, and more importantly, how you can do the same.

The strategic advantage comes from a simple truth: the best opportunities often live in places others ignore or fear to explore. They come from questions no one asks and problems everyone's too comfortable to notice.

Now, here’s where the idea of "doing it wrong" comes in.

Doing it wrong doesn’t mean failing on purpose. It means rejecting the safe, predictable path that everyone else follows.

The real growth happens when you start questioning the status quo and breaking away from what’s already been done. Doing it wrong is how you do it better.

Look at how Airbnb entered the hospitality industry. Instead of competing on room quality or prices, they questioned what travel really means to people.

While traditional hotels focused on making every room identical, Airbnb tapped into people's desire for unique experiences and local connections.

This goes beyond just shaking up markets. Every "proven" practice in your industry has blind spots. Each widely accepted truth leaves gaps to explore. Common approaches always miss certain customers and overlook valuable opportunities.

Breaking rules wisely means understanding which conventions actually matter and which ones simply maintain the status quo. The key is spotting which standard practices hold back real growth and innovation.

This mindset opens doors to genuine innovation. Not the buzzword type that fills startup pitch decks, but real solutions to problems others have accepted as "just the way things are."

Jack Butcher saw what most course creators missed. People don’t want hours of content, they want clarity. Instead of long videos, he distilled complex business concepts into simple visual frameworks, solving the real problem: information overwhelm.

Building something remarkable requires courage to trust your instincts when they conflict with conventional wisdom. Sometimes the most valuable insights come from examining why you disagree with standard practices in your industry.

Ask yourself: Which common practices in your industry frustrate you? What problems do current solutions ignore? Which customer needs remain unmet because "that's just how things work"?

You've likely noticed something others have missed. You might have stumbled upon a better way to serve your market. These insights, combined with your unique experience and perspective, could form the foundation of your competitive advantage.

Building something meaningful is never a straight line. It requires navigating uncertainty, sharp observation, and smart experimentation.

Entrepreneurs that change the game do this, and they do it by solving real problems for customers. You don’t need to break all the rules, just the ones holding you back.

Your approach must solve real problems and add value. Start by challenging one standard practice. Test it, learn, and build on what works.

The advice that got everyone else to average won’t get you to extraordinary.

Remember, remarkable businesses are built in the gap between how things are and how they could be. The gap is where real innovation happens. Your job is to explore it.

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Until next time, keep creating!


If you’d like to chat about how I can help you build your brand, attract new clients, and grow your business, reply to this email or book a call here.

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